It’s so great at the beginning – you get your first rental property, and you see dollar signs. Maybe you like the process of fixing a property up for rental income. You like picking out paint and trim and everything else, and getting everything in apple-pie order. You may even like the process of showing your apartments and filling them with people.
The frustration, for many of us, comes afterward. Here’s some of what you might encounter in the Charleston area that will have you wanting to unload property and sell it on the local market as quickly as possible.
Rentals and Conflict
In the landlord’s world, there are the everyday conflicts that you may have with tenants, and most of those are somewhat manageable, because the landlord has quite a bit of power in most of these situations.
What can get really tricky is conflict between two tenants, or even two people in the same apartment. If one person who is on a rental unit lease is abusing or threatening the other, this starts to present a sort of unsolvable problem that can be stressful and frightening to everyone involved, including the landlord. It’s a tragic situation that causes all manner of heartache, and makes people think twice about the responsibility of renting to tenants.
Smoking and Nuisance
Suppose you have someone in a multiunit building burning all sorts of strange substances. They might be smoking cigarettes or using medical marijuana, or burning sage to chase the spirits away. It’s hard to know, because you don’t really have complete access to the unit or the building, and when you start getting desperate calls from neighbors, it’s hard to know what to do. This is one of those issues that you can see on landlord sites all over the country, where people admit that landlords are generally powerless to deal with these issues, and if there is no natural resolution, things can get really bad.
Noise Problems
The same applies to noise problems. It’s easy for a downstairs tenant to call up the landlord and just go off about noise upstairs. It’s not very easy for the landlord to do anything about it – in fact, in most cases, it’s downright near impossible. This is another one of those unsolvable problems that can keep your phone ringing at all hours of the day and night, whether you can do anything about it or not.
Someone has started to take all of their trash and even their furniture, and dump it beside the dumpster, not inside.
The hauling company doesn’t take the stuff, and it builds up. You go over and take care of it, and then it happens again.
Without security cameras or 24 hour staffing, there’s really no way to know how this is happening or what to do about it.
If you have any of these tired landlord problems, talk to Charleston House Buyers. We will give you fair market value for your real estate properties with a painless process that doesn’t involve all of those things you deal with on a regular market – lending and qualification problems, haggling, communication delays with buyers and all the rest. We will walk with you to the settlement table in a timely way, and help you get on with the rest of your life. You’ve earned it.